Personal Training with Marcus will guarantee a correct path toward your fitness goals, whether it be one on one or group programs.

Personal Training with Marcus will guarantee a correct path toward your fitness goals, whether it be one on one or group programs.
Learn methods that teach relaxation and well-being. Check out the various ways you can learn to be a better version of yourself.
Whether you’re looking to lose weight, build muscle, connect more with you and others, and change your mindset, Marcus is the trainer for you. Learn more about him below!
For someone like me it is hard to take time to slow down and to do self care. Marcus’s breath work classes have helped me to let go of expectations and enjoy the experience. When I take time for myself to do some guided breathing I am grateful for the clarity, inner strength, and peace it brings to me. It is amazing to see what my body is capable of and I can see why he’s so passionate about this method.
After several months of actively participating in WHM with Marcus, my life has been forever changed for the better. I have had deep spiritual experiences during these meditations. My life is in harmony, I feel serene and peaceful. This is not lip service, this is my experience… Marcus has introduced me to another chapter in my life – physical and spiritual well-being as a result of WHM and the ice bath plunge. Thank You!
Marcus’ classes, consisting of The Wim Hof method, have opened a new channel for healing in my life. It helps me not only deal with the inflammation and wear of the physical demands but has helped my mind and soul heal as well. He has helped me release trauma and pain, through the breathworks and the ice bath, in ways I was unable to with traditional stretching and resting. Not only is this method incredible, so is Marcus.
The whole day you feel refreshed and alive. I also found bonus benefits to this class with my on-going brain injury and the dizziness that comes along with it. The days I’ve taken the breath-work class my dizziness has decreased!